Friday, January 28, 2011


This week is a busy week.
I got small test.
I got reunion dinner.
Relatives came to find us.
The most important thing is, i wanna prepare to have a better look when new year!

Aunt and uncle came from kl .
Last weekdays,Just for 2 days.

we got steamboat reunion!

After that, we got this!Do u all know this?I guess u know it unless u're malay or indian?
We ate it when every new years come.
( I just love to eat the crispy part and selmon)MUAHAHA.
The end,!MIXED
YUMYUM selmon fish!:)
Tadda! chinese new year in the corner, house renovated finish! Finally...
Now...let me show you my house !:)
My dinner table and the kitchen!
other side from living room.
and the kitchen again><
the store room door :)
LAST view from my house.
Isn't it nice?LOL!
I forgot to take the outside of my house.><

Now,it's time to prepare for NEW YEAR!

Before i dye my hair , decided wanna change what hair style 1st.
The middle side?
the left side?LOL
Final decision,Change to left side><
Before and after.Isn't it looks nothing different?
I felt that , after change the in front side . My infront hair looks more than b4!
BABY VERA and me!
Glad that my hair got the color,because i share the "liese" with my dad.
And my dad's hair is still the same after he dyed.!

Now,it's face turn.
My mum facial for me!OMG, stupid pain!
SUFFERING!But sacrified because i want pretty face when new year :)
After facial , my face look RED as apple!
ps/camera not very clear ><
I'm doing mask!MUAHAHAHA
After doing mask,It's SK-II time!I found it when i rearrange my cabinet.
I can used it now!:)
After face!It's nails turn!MUAHAHA!
My foot @@
Not pretty at all, but i enjoy myself when i manicure it :)

This is my cute lappy :(
The space HiLANG JOR!because baby vera very violence!
OMG,My poor lappy :(
I'll fixed u , Don't worry

I'm preparing all the thing,But i haven prepared my clothes and shoe and beg and SHOPPING! .
So...I'm going bugis!HUBBY bring me go!YEEPE:)

BUGIS here i come !

OUR lunch.

Since a month ago i didn't visit you. SO SAD :(

Just wanna share a new movie,but i got no chance to watch it :(
>>Green Hornet<<
by Cameron Diaz, Christoph Waltz, Edward Furlong, Jay Chou,Seth Rogen
The special actors is JAY CHOU!
He's in this movie!I guess his fans will crazy to follow up this movie!

I'm watching the TRAILER ONLY :(

Happy new year in advance !
KL...I'm coming ! :)

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