Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Vesak Day

Today , HOLIDAY :)
It's Vesak Day , A Boring Vesak day :(

Just talk about my lunch and dinner !

My lunch :-
Steambot ! ^_^

5 of us ate all these ! Super damn full T.T

And my dinner !
meehon cooked by my mum :)
The yummiest meehoon !

And what i've done in this afternoon .....
Manicure my nails ! hahaha
I my nails :)

My left hands with chocolate pink
I love the chocolate :)
My right hand with Light Pink and pink

And and and....Why my in front hair grow so slow??!! :(
This length make my face feel so itchy ,GROW GROW GROW!!
So...I'm just too boring and playing my hair with banyak banyak pattern =.=
Realise how "MUCH" is my hair , =.= VERY LITTLE ><
And and and ! please grow faster so i can make my hair into this pattern !
LOL, 自恋着。。。

Take 1.
Take 2.><
My hair is so irritating , grow fast ! :(
At the same time baby vera sister walk into my room !
She "WALK" into my room ! Take a pic :)
even though she just can walk a short distance , CONGRATE baby !
Gambade to walk more !haha
Taking picture with 2nd sister.
we're both 自恋people ><

Take 1
Take 2
Take 3
Take 4
And the last picture ,
Take 5
hahaha !
Done the picture for today !
Oh, my boring day ....


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