Saturday, March 17, 2012


3 photographer
3 different style 
but i just want to be the only one in the world !


                                              This weekdays , i hope the day will never end.......
it's the last week .
my hubbie boy reallie gonna off to kl !

I've spend my weekdays with my hub
but this makes me more miss him right now.

of course take pica for everyday !
when is the next time i can clearly see his face ? 

shopping movie dating with him,
and we had watch this movie this afternoon !


it's a nice movie but i'm so nervous,
cause i'm gonna late back home ! 
luckily my parents didn't scold.haha!

and before my dating, guess what?
i'm having my exam !
REAL EXAM , not progress test
i'm supposed to tell my family and hub i'm going to exam but i didn't do that 

and ends up, luckily i've passed my exam !
* 60 marks 
which i thought i'll fail again ! OMG
i'm happy , cause i dun need to waste money again,
some people happy some people sad
i know some one who fail some paper will be sad, but she pretend like she's ok.
try to cheer her up , but i'm not god, even she's smiling, i dunno what she's actually thinking.
what can i do? I'll be the ear if my friends need me 
but i dun really know how to comfort people, how to cheer people up
friends , dun be sad, just rmb, whenever u need me , I'll be there :)

while waiting for the movie time , me and hubbie boy went to black ball for dessert !

what's the face u gave me?
the most ugly boy that i loved :)

enjoy my day eventhough it's rush.
i'm gonna miss him ? :(

the ugly man , he bought snacks for me again!
who actually everyday nag that i'm fat , playing with my fat tummy
he still bought whichever food i want :)
eventhough he's in kl ! :)
still remember my snacks ! MUAHAHA :D

and whichever the thing i need 

sweet of him :)
eventhough i got no the most expensive present,
it's enough for me to have him 

White valentine's 

went for breakfast with baobeix yan wen
breakfast on white valentine's <3

have been long time didn't chit chat with her, loves her.

and my U-Gangs ! we're gonna meet up !
look forward to that and miss fatty vic and su lots !

and yap ! i went to yamcha sometimes, but not night .
with cheryl babes and yong fuey

JUST WANT CAFE which alloacted at right beside permas maybank

 crape cake
 my latte with dolphins !
thanks yan wen's friends who made this!
 heloo kitty for cheryl, maybe she looks cute
so they made this for them
 and pig !
we keep laughing that yong fuey got the pig's cappucino !

i'm gonna sleep and tomorrow gonna wake up for working

gambateh for life

study hard
work hard

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Woke up as early as usual , 
and i just slept for 2 hours ! 
insomnia ~

raining night , i'm just missing him.

kena banned for outing cause i've bang the car ! :(
what a bad month for me.

went to college by cheryl's car !
loves her <3 for not complaining anything to fetch me :)
and i felt like we just went college for fun.@.@
havent start concentrate yet, 
how to motivate us? 

after class , hubbie boy coming to fetch me !
the most happiness day in this month !
he's gonna go for kl tomorrow 
went to maybank cause i wanna make a debit card for myself !
i'm 20 years old, and now, finally i've got one ATM CARD !LOL
dun laugh me ! :0
why am i so rush to make a debit card for myself?
just to save RM87 from my online payment ( exam fees )

after my debit card done .
it's lunch time !
went to his house for lunch 
Simple but full of Loves :)

and here's our dating start ! LOL
one thing to tell, i've skiped my work today , SHHH!
movie time !
but actually dun really know which movie to watch
ends up with this funny show 


hmmm, conclusion .
i'm expect it to funnier but it makes me a bit disappoint .
anyway, the baby is CUTE.

and offf course before the movie start !
went to shop and buy food !!!
he's the one who buy anything i want to eat , Love him :)

end of the day.

skip working is a secret .
i know cheating is not good
but if i can live like what i want , who's want to lie?

Loves my hubbie boy

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


It's a bad day today.
as usual , i woke up early in the morning 630am just to fetch my sister for early school.
dress up and make up cause today's outshooting day ! 
It should be a happy day ! 

but ends up so moody.
cause accident ! with my new lovely car mazda

suddenly dunno how to face this problem, i'm shocked.
wish he was with me :(

but still turn up for shooting , cause i've promise the photographer .
moody face , my pica for the day should not be looking good , ish :(

how's my car how's my car?
$$ gone for repair
outing gone cause parent's in bad mood
kena scold badly cause the accident
not gonna have car for very loooong ! 

who really wish to have accident !
scold until like i'm not care about the car ...
feel like crying :(
and i'm sooo wish his was here with me.

it's suddenly become so moody moody, 2012's march didn't treat me well.

my lovely car, please recover faster :(
and i miss my hubby boy, he gonna leave to kl sooon!!


Pica of the day

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