Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The DAY :)

Found Pizza Promotion from facebook on yesterday !
So i send the coupon to my classmate to print it out!
Details :-

But This promotion only valid for takeaway and delivery only !
Not for dine-in .
And one coupon one transaction, so troublesome !
And And , Today is the last promotion day !
They only provide this services for 3 days, so short right? because they making loss!haha
so, u all who know this promotion from here not gonna have this promotion !
Sorry guys :P

So , pizza hut for my lunch today !
Ordered and Enjoyed !
3 set of this PIZZA

1 set of this included :-
3 regular pizza
2 garlic bread

so we have 9 regular pizza and 6 loaf of garlic bread :))


But actually , it's not that nice =.=
I prefer dine-in rather than takeaway lo! cause when pizza arrived our college,
It's already cold and become not nice liao......

So,i encourage DINE-IN PIZZA! :))))
Anyway, still worth it! because we spent RM7 for each person !
We got 15 people here !
enjoy enjoy !:)

And It's Picture DAY ! LOL
Everyday i will have self-camwore ! LOL, It's become my habit ady ! LMAO

And i love my facebook's profile picture ! :P
Do you know why i like to show my left eye?
cause it's nicer than right eye !hahahahaa!!
* my right eye a bit cacat lah :P

And edited too!!
I love the effect nie ~~
And recently i like to make myself into 4 !haha~
And turn my face into different WEIRD face ! Just like this !mUAHAHA
Funny right? i like to :P
AND recently i just felt super tiring,
Still cant get used with my new timetable

Someone's birthday is coming , but we not gonna celebrate it=.=
I'm quite disappointed that cant celebrate , but hmmmm....
As long as she's happy , THAT'S ENOUGH !

She's kind a sweet girl :)
And she's gonna 18 years old who small one year than me=.=
I'm old
And she's my bitches!
You know who you're , I'm just glad to know you :)

And lastly , i wanna movie !
Because today is wednesday , That's why reminds me movie day !
But hubby boy got no car , tomorrow then.
As long as we going out together :)
As long as we can meet one day on each week :)


And Don't you realize ?
Every girl's blog or profile is about one guy the she loved !

That's so true :)
It's all about him in my mind

And make your life full with POP SONG!
It will affected your mood of the day !

So , a happy song here . ENJOYED IT!
Listen this and relax baby!!

Mizz Nina feat Florida


Morning class tomorrow :(

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