Monday, November 21, 2011

Public holiday !

It's public holiday !

DUH ~ 
exam is coming ! GAMABATEH

Went out with babe cheryl to study !
It's starbucks !

We're so in love  with it recently !
At setia tropica Very peaceful and relax 
cause very quite :D

Study study study .....

It's lunch time!
Wondering what to eat and it's public holiday.
Many shops didn't open !
And in the end,
we've choosen Chez Market which just nearby our college :)

And the food's quite nice but price also above Rm 10 LAH~~ :D

After lunch , thinking where to go for the next revision place !
Unfortunately , cheryl's brother suddenly end his class early.
she have to fetch her brother !

That's the end of the day 

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